Lexus NX: Fail-safe Chart


ASC System

(a) The stereo component equalizer assembly stores DTCs and freeze frame data and stops sound output if it detects any of the following abnormalities.


Abnormality Detection Condition

Fail-safe Control

DTC Output

Return Condition

CAN communication malfunction

Communication with brake booster with master cylinder assembly (skid control ECU) interrupted

Sound output is stopped


(Freeze frame data stored)

Signals are received normally and communication returns to normal

Communication with main body ECU (multiplex network body ECU) interrupted

Sound output is stopped


(Freeze frame data stored)

Signals are received normally and communication returns to normal

Communication with hybrid vehicle control ECU interrupted

Sound output is stopped


(Freeze frame data stored)

Signals are received normally and communication returns to normal

Abnormal vehicle speed signal sent from booster with master cylinder assembly (skid control ECU)

Sound output is stopped


(Freeze frame data stored)

Signals are received normally and communication returns to normal

  • Abnormal timestamp signal from main body ECU (multiplex network body ECU)
  • Abnormal trip count signal from main body ECU (multiplex network body ECU)

Not applicable


(Freeze frame data stored)

Signals are received normally and communication returns to normal

  • Abnormal shift position signal sent from hybrid vehicle control ECU
  • Abnormal gear position signal from hybrid vehicle control ECU
  • Abnormal accelerator pedal opening angle signal from hybrid vehicle control ECU

Sound output is stopped


(Freeze frame data stored)

Signals are received normally and communication returns to normal

Speaker connection malfunction

When vehicle sound switch volume is set to medium or higher and sounds are being output, an open is detected for 0.15 seconds or more

Sound output is stopped


(Freeze frame data stored)

When vehicle sound switch volume is set to medium or higher and sounds are being output, an open is not detected for 0.15 seconds or more

Switch connection malfunction

The VSLI terminal voltage to the CPU of the stereo compartment equalizer assembly is 4.5 V or more

Sound output is stopped


(Freeze frame data stored)

The VSLI terminal voltage to the CPU of the stereo compartment equalizer assembly is less than 4.0 V and connection returns to normal

ECU internal malfunction

  • The IG power source voltage to the CPU of the stereo component equalizer assembly is 0.5 V or less
  • Sound output IC malfunction

Sound output is stopped


(Freeze frame data stored)

The IG power source voltage to the CPU of the stereo component equalizer assembly is 2.2 V or more and the malfunctioning part returns to normal


 Data List / Active Test

DATA LIST / ACTIVE TEST DATA LIST NOTICE: In the following table, the values listed under "Normal Condition" are reference values. Do not depend solely on these reference values when deciding whether

 Diagnostic Trouble Code Chart

DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE CHART ASC System DTC No. Detection Item Link B1360 Speaker Circuit B1361 Volume Switch Circuit B1362 ECU Malfunction U0129 Lost Co

 Speaker Circuit (B1360)

DESCRIPTION This DTC is stored when a connection malfunction, such as an open, is detected in the wire harness between the stereo component equalizer assembly and No. 1 speaker assembly with box. D



REASSEMBLY CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT NOTICE: When using a vise, place aluminum plates between the part and vise. When using a vise, do not overtighten it. PROCEDURE 1. INSTALL POWER STEERING MOTOR ASSEMBLY NOTICE: Do not drop the power steering ECU with motor assembly, strike it with tools

 ASC ECU Communication Stop Mode

DESCRIPTION Detection Item Symptom Trouble Area ASC ECU Communication Stop Mode Any of the following conditions are met: Communication stop for "ASC" is indicated on the "Communication Bus Check" screen of the Techstream. Click here Communication system DTCs (DTCs that start wi

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