SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ADAPTIVE VARIABLE SUSPENSION SYSTEM DESCRIPTION (a) The absorber control ECU receives signals from the sensors and switches to control the absorber control actuator (shock absorber
CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT HINT: Use these procedures to troubleshoot the adaptive variable suspension system. *: Use the Techstream. PROCEDURE 1. VEHICLE BROUGHT TO WORKSHOP
CUSTOMIZE PARAMETERS Drive Mode Customization "Custom" settings can be changed on the screen of the multi-display. HINT: "Custom" mode can be selected by using the drive mode select switch (integratio
TERMINALS OF ECU CHECK CERTIFICATION ECU (SMART KEY ECU ASSEMBLY) (a) Disconnect the I53 certification ECU (smart key ECU assembly) connector. (b) Measure the voltage and resistance according to the value(s) in the table below. Tester Connection Input/Output Wiring Color Terminal Descripti