Lexus NX: When Replacing Or Removing/installing Parts

Lexus NX Service Manual / General / Setup / When Replacing Or Removing/installing Parts


 Work Procedure

WORK PROCEDURE PROCEDURES NECESSARY WHEN ECU OR OTHER PARTS ARE REPLACED Replacement Part Necessary Procedure Effect/Inoperative Function when Necessary Procedures are not Performed Link

 Audio & Visual & Telematics

 Audio / Video


 Radio Receiver Assembly Communication Stop Mode

DESCRIPTION Detection Item Symptom Trouble Area Radio Receiver Assembly Communication Stop Mode Any of the following conditions are met: Communication stop for "Display and Navigation (AVN)" is indicated on the "Communication Bus Check" screen of the Techstream. Click here Comm

 Cellular Phone Inspection

CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT HINT: If the operation of a cellular phone or the radio receiver assembly is requested, make sure to follow the instructions closely and perform the operation. PROCEDURE 1. CHECK USAGE CONDITION (a) Check that the vehicle and cellular phone meet the following conditi

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