Lexus NX: Repair Instruction

Lexus NX Service Manual / General / Introduction / Repair Instruction


 Inspection Mode Procedure

INSPECTION MODE PROCEDURE NOTICE: When operating the vehicle in inspection mode for an operation such as a speedometer test, a DTC may be set. Therefore, if the warning light comes on, after canceling


 Abbreviations Used In Manual

ABBREVIATIONS USED IN MANUAL Abbreviation Meaning ABS Anti-Lock Brake System A/C Air Conditioner AC Alternating Current ACC Accessory ACIS Acoustic Control Induction



REMOVAL PROCEDURE 1. REMOVE UPPER INSTRUMENT PANEL SUB-ASSEMBLY Click here 2. REMOVE NO. 1 HEATER TO REGISTER DUCT SUB-ASSEMBLY Click here 3. REMOVE NAVIGATION ANTENNA ASSEMBLY WITH BRACKET (a) Detach the 2 clamps. (b) Remove the 2 screws and navigation antenna assembly with brac

 Communication Malfunction (A/C Inverter Local) (B1498)

DESCRIPTION The hybrid vehicle control ECU and compressor with motor assembly communicate via a direct line. Compressor control is stopped and this DTC is stored if communication information is cut off or abnormal information occurs. This DTC is also detected if high-voltage power supplied from the

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